Download and Install

JFrog CLI v2


JFrog CLI v2 was launched in July 2021. It includes changes to the functionality and usage of some of the legacy JFrog CLI commands. The changes are the result of feedback we received from users over time through GitHub, making the usage and functionality easier and more intuitive. For example, some of the default values changed, and are now more consistent across different commands. We also took this opportunity for improving and restructuring the code, as well as replacing old and deprecated functionality.

Most of the changes included in v2 are breaking changes compared to the v1 releases. We therefore packaged and released these changes under JFrog CLI v2, allowing users to migrate to v2 only when they are ready.

New enhancements to JFrog CLI are planned to be introduced as part of V2 only. V1 receives very little development attention nowadays. We therefore encourage users who haven't yet migrated to V2, to do so.

List of changes in JFrog CLI v2

  1. The default value of the --flat option is now set to false for the jfrog rt upload command.

  2. The deprecated syntax of the jfrog rt mvn command is no longer supported. To use the new syntax, the project needs to be first configured using the jfrog rt mvnc command.

  3. The deprecated syntax of the jfrog rt gradle command is no longer supported. To use the new syntax, the project needs to be first configured using the jfrog rt gradlec command.

  4. The deprecated syntax of the jfrog rt npm and jfrog rt npm-ci commands is no longer supported. To use the new syntax, the project needs to be first configured using the jfrog rt npmc command.

  5. The deprecated syntax of the jfrog rt go command is no longer supported. To use the new syntax, the project needs to be first configured using the jfrog rt go-config command.

  6. The deprecated syntax of the jfrog rt nuget command is no longer supported. To use the new syntax, the project needs to be first configured using the jfrog rt nugetc command.

  7. All Bintray commands are removed.

  8. The jfrog rt config command is removed and replaced by the jfrog config add command.

  9. The jfrog rt use command is removed and replaced with the jfrog config use.

  10. The --props command option and props file spec property for the jfrog rt upload command are removed, and replaced with the --target-props command option and targetProps file spec property respectively.

  11. The following commands are removed

    jfrog rt release-bundle-create
    jfrog rt release-bundle-delete
    jfrog rt release-bundle-distribute
    jfrog rt release-bundle-sign
    jfrog rt release-bundle-update

    and replaced with the following commands respectively

    jfrog ds release-bundle-create
    jfrog ds release-bundle-delete
    jfrog ds release-bundle-distribute
    jfrog ds release-bundle-sign
    jfrog ds release-bundle-update
  12. The jfrog rt go-publish command now only supports Artifactory version 6.10.0 and above. Also, the command no longer accepts the target repository as an argument. The target repository should be pre-configured using the jfrog rt go-config command.

  13. The jfrog rt go command no longer falls back to the VCS when dependencies are not found in Artifactory.

  14. The --deps, --publish-deps, --no-registry and --self options of the jfrog rt go-publish command are now removed.

  15. The --apiKey option is now removed. The API key should now be passed as the value of the --password option.

  16. The --exclude-patterns option is now removed, and replaced with the --exclusions option. The same is true for the excludePatterns file spec property, which is replaced with the exclusions property.

  17. The JFROG_CLI_JCENTER_REMOTE_SERVER and JFROG_CLI_JCENTER_REMOTE_REPO environment variables are now removed and replaced with the JFROG_CLI_EXTRACTORS_REMOTE environment variable.

  18. The JFROG_CLI_HOME environment variable is now removed and replaced with the JFROG_CLI_HOME_DIR environment variable.

  19. The JFROG_CLI_OFFER_CONFIG environment variable is now removed and replaced with the CI environment variable. Setting CI to true disables all prompts.

  20. The directory structure is now changed when the jfrog rt download command is used with placeholders and --flat=false (--flat=false is now the default). When placeholders are used, the value of the --flat option is ignored.

  21. When the jfrog rt upload command now uploads symlinks to Artifactory, the target file referenced by the symlink is uploaded to Artifactory with the symlink name. If the --symlink options is used, the symlink itself (not the referenced file) is uploaded, with the referenced file as a property attached to the file.


To download the executable, please visit the JFrog CLI Download Site.

You can also download the sources from the JFrog CLI Project on GitHub where you will also find instructions on how to build JFrog CLI.

The legacy name of JFrog CLI's executable is jfrog. In an effort to make the CLI usage easier and more convenient, we recently exposed a series of new installers, which install JFrog CLI with the new jf executable name. For backward compatibility, the old installers will remain available. We recommend however migrating to the newer jf executable name.

JFrog CLI v2 "jf" installers

The following installers are available for JFrog CLI v2. These installers make JFrog CLI available through the jf executable.


# Create the keyrings directory if it doesn't exist
sudo mkdir -p /usr/share/keyrings;

# Download and save the JFrog GPG key to a keyring file
wget -qO - | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/jfrog.gpg;

# Add the JFrog repository to your APT sources with the signed-by option
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/jfrog.gpg] xenial contrib" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jfrog.list;

# Update the package list
sudo apt update;

# Install the JFrog CLI
sudo apt install -y jfrog-cli-v2-jf;

# Run the JFrog CLI intro command
jf intro;


echo "\[jfrog-cli\]" > jfrog-cli.repo;
echo "name=jfrog-cli" >> jfrog-cli.repo;
echo "baseurl=" >> jfrog-cli.repo;
echo "enabled=1" >> jfrog-cli.repo;
rpm --import\_public\_gpg.key
sudo mv jfrog-cli.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/;
yum install -y jfrog-cli-v2-jf;


brew install jfrog-cli

Install with cUrl

curl -fL | sh

Download with cUrl

curl -fL | sh


npm install -g jfrog-cli-v2-jf


Slim: docker run jf -v Full: docker run jf -v


powershell: "Start-Process -Wait -Verb RunAs powershell '-NoProfile iwr\[RELEASE\]/jfrog-cli-windows-amd64/jf.exe -OutFile $env:SYSTEMROOT\\system32\\jf.exe'"


choco install: jfrog-cli-v2-jf

JFrog CLI v2 "jfrog" installers

The following installers are available for JFrog CLI v2. These installers make JFrog CLI available through the jfrog executable.


wget -qO -\_public\_gpg.key | sudo apt-key add - echo "deb xenial contrib" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list; apt update; apt install -y jfrog-cli-v2;


echo "\[jfrog-cli\]" > jfrog-cli.repo; echo "name=jfrog-cli" >> jfrog-cli.repo; echo "baseurl=" >> jfrog-cli.repo; echo "enabled=1" >> jfrog-cli.repo; rpm --import\_public\_gpg.key sudo mv jfrog-cli.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/; yum install -y jfrog-cli-v2;


brew install jfrog-cli

Download with Curl

curl -fL | sh


npm install -g jfrog-cli-v2


Slim: docker run jfrog -v Full: docker run jfrog -v


choco install jfrog-cli

JFrog CLI v1 (legacy) installers

The following installations are available for JFrog CLI v1. These installers make JFrog CLI available through the jfrog executable.


wget -qO -\_public\_gpg.key | sudo apt-key add - echo "deb xenial contrib" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list; apt update; apt install -y jfrog-cli;


echo "\[jfrog-cli\]" > jfrog-cli.repo; echo "name=jfrog-cli" >> jfrog-cli.repo; echo "baseurl=" >> jfrog-cli.repo; echo "enabled=1" >> jfrog-cli.repo; rpm --import\_public\_gpg.key sudo mv jfrog-cli.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/; yum install -y jfrog-cli;

Download with cUrl

curl -fL | sh


npm install -g jfrog-cli-go


Slim: docker run jfrog -v Full: docker run jfrog -v


GO111MODULE=on go get; if \[ -z "$GOPATH" \] then binPath="$HOME/go/bin"; else binPath="$GOPATH/bin"; fi; mv "$binPath/jfrog-cli" "$binPath/jfrog"; echo "$($binPath/jfrog -v) is installed at $binPath";

Last updated

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