Generic Files
Uploading Files
This command is used to upload files to Artifactory.
jf rt u [command options] <Source path> <Target path>
jf rt u --spec=<File Spec path> [command options]
Commands Params
Command name
rt upload
rt u
Command arguments:
The command takes two arguments, source path and target path. In case the --spec option is used, the commands accept no arguments.
Source path
The first argument specifies the local file system path to artifacts that should be uploaded to Artifactory. You can specify multiple artifacts by using wildcards or a regular expression as designated by the --regexp command option. Please read the --regexp option description for more information.
Target path
Command options:
When using the * or ; characters in the upload command options or arguments, make sure to wrap the whole options or arguments string in quotes (") to make sure the * or ; characters are not interpreted as literals.
[Optional] Set to "zip" to pack and deploy the files to Artifactory inside a ZIP archive. Currently, the only packaging format supported is zip.
[Optional] Server ID configured using the jf c add command. If not specified, the default configured Artifactory server is used.
[Optional] List of semicolon-separated(;) variables in the form of "key1=value1;key2=value2;..." to be replaced in the File Spec. In the File Spec, the variables should be used as follows: ${key1}.
[Optional] JFrog project key.
[Optional] Optional module name for the build-info.
[Optional] Used for Debian packages only. Specifies the distribution/component/architecture of the package. If the the value for distribution, component or architecture include a slash. the slash should be escaped with a back-slash.
[Default: true] If true, files are also collected from sub-folders of the source directory for upload . If false, only files specifically in the source directory are uploaded.
[Default: false] If true, the command will interpret the first argument, which describes the local file-system path of artifacts to upload, as a regular expression. If false, it will interpret the first argument as a wild-card expression. The above also applies for the --exclusions option. If you have specified that you are using regular expressions, then the beginning of the expression must be enclosed in parenthesis. For example: a/b/c/(.*)/
[Default: false] If true, the command will interpret the first argument, which describes the local file-system path of artifacts to upload, as an ANT pattern. If false, it will interpret the first argument as a wildcards expression. The above also applies for the --exclusions option.
[Default: 3] The number of parallel threads that should be used to upload where each thread uploads a single artifact at a time.
[Default: false] If true, the command only indicates which artifacts would have been uploaded If false, the command is fully executed and uploads artifacts as specified
[Default: false]
If true, the command will preserve the soft links structure in Artifactory. The symlink
file representation will contain the symbolic link and checksum properties.
[Default: false] If true, the command will extract an archive containing multiple artifacts after it is deployed to Artifactory, while maintaining the archive's file structure.
[Default: false] If true, the source path applies to bottom-chain directories and not only to files. Bottom-chain directories are either empty or do not include other directories that match the source path.
[Optional] A list of semicolon-separated(;) exclude patterns. Allows using wildcards, regular expressions or ANT patterns, according to the value of the --regexp and --ant options. Please read the --regexp and --ant options description for more information.
[Optional] Specific path in Artifactory, under which to sync artifacts after the upload. After the upload, this path will include only the artifacts uploaded during this upload operation. The other files under this path will be deleted.
[Default: false] If true, the delete confirmation message is skipped.
[Default: false] Set to true if you'd like the command to return exit code 2 in case of no files are affected.
[Default: 3] Number of upload retries.
[Default: 0s] Number of seconds or milliseconds to wait between retries. The numeric value should either end with s for seconds or ms for milliseconds (for example: 10s or 100ms).
[Default: false] Set to true to include a list of the affected files as part of the command output summary.
[Default: false] Set to true to skip TLS certificates verification.
[Default: 20] The upload chunk size in MiB that can be concurrently uploaded during a multi-part upload. This option, as well as the functionality of multi-part upload, requires Artifactory with S3 or GCP storage.
[Default: 200] The minimum file size in MiB required to attempt a multi-part upload. This option, as well as the functionality of multi-part upload, requires Artifactory with S3 or GCP storage.
[Default: 5] The maximum number of parts that can be concurrently uploaded per file during a multi-part upload. Set to 0 to disable multi-part upload. This option, as well as the functionality of multi-part upload, requires Artifactory with S3 or GCP storage.
Example 1
Upload a file called froggy.tgz to the root of the my-local-repo repository.
Example 2
Collect all the zip files located under the build directory (including subdirectories), and upload them to the my-local-repo repository, under the zipFiles folder, while maintaining the original names of the files.
Example 3
Collect all the zip files located under the build directory (including subdirectories), and upload them to the my-local-repo repository, under the zipFiles folder, while maintaining the original names of the files. Also delete all files in the my-local-repo repository, under the zipFiles folder, except for the files which were uploaded by this command.
Example 4
Collect all files located under the build directory (including subdirectories), and upload them to the my-release-local repository, under the files folder, while maintaining the original names of the artifacts. Exclude (do not upload) files, which include install as part of their path, and have the pack extension. This example uses a wildcard pattern. See Example 5, which uses regular expressions instead.
Example 5
Collect all files located under the build directory (including subdirectories), and upload them to the my-release-local repository, under the files folder, while maintaining the original names of the artifacts. Exclude (do not upload) files, which include install as part of their path, and have the pack extension. This example uses a regular expression. See Example 4, which uses a wildcard pattern instead.
Example 6
Collect all files located under the build directory and match the /*.zip ANT pattern, and upload them to the my-release-local repository, under the files folder, while maintaining the original names of the artifacts.
Example 7
Package all files located under the build directory (including subdirectories) into a zip archive named , and upload the archive to the my-local-repo repository,
Downloading Files
This command is used to download files from Artifactory.
Download from Remote Repositories: By default, the command downloads only the files that are cached on the current Artifactory instance. It does not retrieve files from remote Artifactory instances accessed via remote or virtual repositories. To enable the command to download files from remote Artifactory instances (proxied through remote repositories), set the JFROG_CLI_TRANSITIVE_DOWNLOAD environment variable to true. This feature is available in Artifactory version 7.17 or later. Note that remote downloads are supported only for remote repositories that proxy other Artifactory instances. Downloads from remote repositories that proxy non-Artifactory repositories are not supported. IMPORTANT: Enabling the JFROG_CLI_TRANSITIVE_DOWNLOAD environment variable may increase the load on the remote Artifactory instance. It is advisable to use this setting cautiously.
jf rt dl [command options] <Source path> [Target path]
jf rt dl --spec=<File Spec path> [command options]
Commands Params
Command name
rt download
rt dl
Command arguments:
The command takes two arguments source path and target path (Optional). In case the --spec option is used, the commands accept no arguments.
Source path
Specifies the source path in Artifactory, from which the artifacts should be downloaded. You can use wildcards to specify multiple artifacts.
Target path
Command options:
When using the * or ; characters in the download command options or arguments, make sure to wrap the whole options or arguments string in quotes (") to make sure the * or ; characters are not interpreted as literals.
[Optional] Server ID configured using the 'jf config' command. If not specified, the default configured Artifactory server is used.
[Optional] JFrog project key.
[Optional] Optional module name for the build-info.
[Optional] List of semicolon-separated(;) variables in the form of "key1=value1;key2=value2;..." to be replaced in the File Spec. In the File Spec, the variables should be used as follows: ${key1}.
[Optional] If specified, only artifacts of the specified build are matched. The property format is build-name/build-number. If you do not specify the build number, the artifacts are filtered by the latest build number.
[Optional] If specified, only artifacts of the specified Release Bundle (v1 or v2) are matched. The value format is bundle-name/bundle-version. If Release Bundles with the same name and version exist for both v1 and v2, the contents of the Release Bundle v2 version are downloaded.
[Default: true] If true, artifacts are also downloaded from sub-paths under the specified path in the source repository. If false, only artifacts in the specified source path directory are downloaded.
[Default: 3] The number of parallel threads that should be used to download where each thread downloads a single artifact at a time.
[Default: 3]
The number of segments into which each file should be split for download (provided the artifact is over --min-split
in size). To download each file in a single thread, set to 0.
[Default: 3] Number of download retries.
[Default: 0s] Number of seconds or milliseconds to wait between retries. The numeric value should either end with s for seconds or ms for milliseconds (for example: 10s or 100ms).
[Default: 5120]
The minimum size permitted for splitting. Files larger than the specified number will be split into equally sized --split-count
segments. Any files smaller than the specified number will be downloaded in a single thread. If set to -1, files are not split.
[Default: false] If true, the command only indicates which artifacts would have been downloaded. If false, the command is fully executed and downloads artifacts as specified.
[Default: false] Set to true to extract an archive after it is downloaded from Artifactory. Supported compression formats: br, bz2, gz, lz4, sz, xz, zstd. Supported archive formats: zip, tar (including any compressed variants like tar.gz), rar.
[Default: false]
Set to true to bypass the archive security inspection before it is unarchived. Used with the explode
[Default: false] If true, the command will validate that symlinks are pointing to existing and unchanged files, by comparing their sha1. Applicable to files and not directories.
[Default: false] If true, the source path applies to bottom-chain directories and not only to files. Bottom-chain directories are either empty or do not include other directories that match the source path.
A list of semicolon-separated(;) exclude patterns. Allows using wildcards.
[Optional] Specific path in the local file system, under which to sync dependencies after the download. After the download, this path will include only the dependencies downloaded during this download operation. The other files under this path will be deleted.
[Default: false] If true, the delete confirmation message is skipped.
[Default: asc]
The order by which fields in the 'sort-by' option should be sorted. Accepts asc
or desc
[Optional] The maximum number of items to fetch. Usually used with the 'sort-by' option.
[Optional] The offset from which to fetch items (i.e. how many items should be skipped). Usually used with the 'sort-by' option.
[Default: false] Set to true if you'd like the command to return exit code 2 in case of no files are affected.
[Optional] This option is no longer supported since version 7.90.5 of Artifactory. If specified, only archive artifacts containing entries matching this pattern are matched. You can use wildcards to specify multiple artifacts.
[Default: false] Set to true to include a list of the affected files as part of the command output summary.
[Default: false] Set to true to skip TLS certificates verification.
[Optional] Path to the public GPG key file located on the file system, used to validate downloaded release bundle files.
Example 1
Download an artifact called located at the root of the my-local-repo repository to the current directory.
Example 2
Download all artifacts located under the all-my-frogs directory in the my-local-repo repository to the all-my-frogs folder under the current directory.
Example 3
Download all artifacts located in the **my-local-repo **repository with a jar extension to the all-my-frogs folder under the current directory.
Example 4
Download the latest file uploaded to the all-my-frogs folder in the my-local-repo repository.
Copying Files
This command is used to copy files in Artifactory
jf rt cp [command options] <Source path> <Target path>
jf rt cp --spec=<File Spec path> [command options]
Commands Params
Command name
rt copy
rt cp
Command arguments:
The command takes two arguments source path and target path. In case the --spec option is used, the commands accept no arguments.
Source path
Specifies the source path in Artifactory, from which the artifacts should be copied, in the following format: [repository name]/[repository path].
You can use wildcards to specify multiple artifacts.
Target path
Command options:
When using the * or ; characters in the copy command options or arguments, make sure to wrap the whole options or arguments string in quotes (") to make sure the * or ; characters are not interpreted as literals.
[Optional] Server ID configured using the 'jf config' command. If not specified, the default configured Artifactory server is used.
[Optional] If specified, only artifacts of the specified build are matched. The property format is build-name/build-number. If you do not specify the build number, the artifacts are filtered by the latest build number.
[Optional] If specified, only artifacts of the specified bundle are matched. The value format is bundle-name/bundle-version.
[Default: false] If true, artifacts are copied to the exact target path specified and their hierarchy in the source path is ignored. If false, artifacts are copied to the target path while maintaining their source path hierarchy.
[Default: true] If true, artifacts are also copied from sub-paths under the specified source path. If false, only artifacts in the specified source path directory are copied.
[Default: false] If true, the command only indicates which artifacts would have been copied. If false, the command is fully executed and copies artifacts as specified.
A list of semicolon-separated(;) exclude patterns. Allows using wildcards.
[Default: 3] Number of threads used for copying the items.
[Default: asc]
The order by which fields in the 'sort-by' option should be sorted. Accepts asc
or desc
[Optional] The maximum number of items to fetch. Usually used with the 'sort-by' option.
[Optional] The offset from which to fetch items (i.e. how many items should be skipped). Usually used with the 'sort-by' option.
[Default: false] Set to true if you'd like the command to return exit code 2 in case of no files are affected.
[Optional] This option is no longer supported since version 7.90.5 of Artifactory. If specified, only archive artifacts containing entries matching this pattern are matched. You can use wildcards to specify multiple artifacts.
[Default: false] Set to true to skip TLS certificates verification.
[Default: 3] Number for HTTP retry attempts.
[Default: 0s] Number of seconds or milliseconds to wait between retries. The numeric value should either end with s for seconds or ms for milliseconds (for example: 10s or 100ms).
Example 1
Copy all artifacts located under /rabbit in the source-frog-repo repository into the same path in the target-frog-repo repository.
Example 2
Copy all zip files located under /rabbit in the source-frog-repo repository into the same path in the target-frog-repo repository.
Example 3
Copy all artifacts located under /rabbit in the source-frog-repo repository and with property "Version=1.0" into the same path in the target-frog-repo repository.
Example 4
Copy all artifacts located under /rabbit in the source-frog-repo repository into the same path in the target-frog-repo repository without maintaining the original subdirectory hierarchy.
Moving Files
This command is used to move files in Artifactory
jf rt mv [command options] <Source path> <Target path>
jf rt mv --spec=<File Spec path> [command options]
Commands Params
Command name
rt move
rt mv
Command arguments:
The command takes two arguments source path and target path. In case the --spec option is used, the commands accept no arguments.
Source path
Specifies the source path in Artifactory, from which the artifacts should be moved, in the following format: [repository name]/[repository path].
You can use wildcards to specify multiple artifacts.
Target path
Command options:
When using the * or ; characters in the copy command options or arguments, make sure to wrap the whole options or arguments string in quotes (") to make sure the * or ; characters are not interpreted as literals.
[Optional] Server ID configured using the 'jf config' command. If not specified, the default configured Artifactory server is used.
[Optional] If specified, only artifacts of the specified build are matched. The property format is build-name/build-number. If you do not specify the build number, the artifacts are filtered by the latest build number.
[Optional] If specified, only artifacts of the specified bundle are matched. The value format is bundle-name/bundle-version.
[Default: false] If true, artifacts are moved to the exact target path specified and their hierarchy in the source path is ignored. If false, artifacts are moved to the target path while maintaining their source path hierarchy.
[Default: true] If true, artifacts are also moved from sub-paths under the specified source path. If false, only artifacts in the specified source path directory are moved.
[Default: false] If true, the command only indicates which artifacts would have been moved. If false, the command is fully executed and downloads artifacts as specified.
A list of semicolon-separated(;) exclude patterns. Allows using wildcards.
[Default: 3] Number of threads used for moving the items.
[Default: asc]
The order by which fields in the 'sort-by' option should be sorted. Accepts asc
or desc
[Optional] The maximum number of items to fetch. Usually used with the 'sort-by' option.
[Optional] The offset from which to fetch items (i.e. how many items should be skipped). Usually used with the 'sort-by' option.
[Default: false] Set to true if you'd like the command to return exit code 2 in case of no files are affected.
[Optional] This option is no longer supported since version 7.90.5 of Artifactory. If specified, only archive artifacts containing entries matching this pattern are matched. You can use wildcards to specify multiple artifacts.
[Default: false] Set to true to skip TLS certificates verification.
[Default: 3] Number of HTTP retry attempts.
[Default: 0s] Number of seconds or milliseconds to wait between retries. The numeric value should either end with s for seconds or ms for milliseconds (for example: 10s or 100ms).
Example 1
Move all artifacts located under /rabbit in the source-frog-repo repository into the same path in the target-frog-repo repository.
Example 2
Move all zip files located under /rabbit in the source-frog-repo repository into the same path in the target-frog-repo repository.
Example 3
Move all artifacts located under /rabbit in the source-frog-repo repository and with property "Version=1.0" into the same path in the target-frog-repo repository .
Example 4
Move all artifacts located under /rabbit in the source-frog-repo repository into the same path in the target-frog-repo repository without maintaining the original subdirectory hierarchy.
Deleting Files
This command is used to delete files in Artifactory
jf rt del [command options] <Delete path>
jf rt del --spec=<File Spec path> [command options]
Commands Params
Command name
rt delete
rt del
Command arguments:
The command takes one argument which is the delete path. In case the --spec option is used, the commands accept no arguments.
Delete path
Specifies the path in Artifactory of the files that should be deleted in the following format: [repository name]/[repository path].
You can use wildcards to specify multiple artifacts.
Command options:
When using the * or ; characters in the delete command options or arguments, make sure to wrap the whole options or arguments string in quotes (") to make sure the * or ; characters are not interpreted as literals.
[Optional] Server ID configured using the 'jf config' command. If not specified, the default configured Artifactory server is used.
[Optional] If specified, only artifacts of the specified build are matched. The property format is build-name/build-number. If you do not specify the build number, the artifacts are filtered by the latest build number.
[Optional] If specified, only artifacts of the specified bundle are matched. The value format is bundle-name/bundle-version.
[Default: true] If true, artifacts are also deleted from sub-paths under the specified path.
[Default: false] If true, the delete confirmation message is skipped.
[Default: false] If true, the command only indicates which artifacts would have been deleted. If false, the command is fully executed and deletes artifacts as specified.
A list of semicolon-separated(;) exclude patterns. Allows using wildcards.
[Default: asc]
The order by which fields in the 'sort-by' option should be sorted. Accepts asc
or desc
[Optional] The maximum number of items to fetch. Usually used with the 'sort-by' option.
[Optional] The offset from which to fetch items (i.e. how many items should be skipped). Usually used with the 'sort-by' option.
[Default: false] Set to true if you'd like the command to return exit code 2 in case of no files are affected.
[Optional] This option is no longer supported since version 7.90.5 of Artifactory. If specified, only archive artifacts containing entries matching this pattern are matched. You can use wildcards to specify multiple artifacts.
[Default: 3] Number of threads used for deleting the items.
[Default: false] Set to true to skip TLS certificates verification.
[Default: 3] Number of HTTP retry attempts.
[Default: 0s] Number of seconds or milliseconds to wait between retries. The numeric value should either end with s for seconds or ms for milliseconds (for example: 10s or 100ms).
Example 1
Delete all artifacts located under /rabbit in the frog-repo repository.
Example 2
Delete all zip files located under /rabbit in the frog-repo repository.
Searching Files
This command is used to search and display files in Artifactory.
jf rt s [command options] <Search path>
jf rt s --spec=<File Spec path> [command options]
Commands Params
Command name
rt search
rt s
Command arguments:
The command takes one argument which is the search path. In case the --spec option is used, the commands accept no arguments.
Search path
Specifies the search path in Artifactory, in the following format: [repository name]/[repository path].
You can use wildcards to specify multiple artifacts.
Command options:
When using the * or ; characters in the command options or arguments, make sure to wrap the whole options or arguments string in quotes (") to make sure the * or ; characters are not interpreted as literals.
[Optional] Server ID configured using the 'jf config' command. If not specified, the default configured Artifactory server is used.
[Optional] Set to true to display only the total of files or folders found.
[Default: false] Set to true if you'd like to also apply the source path pattern for directories and not only for files
[Optional] List of semicolon-separated(;) variables in the form of "key1=value1;key2=value2;..." to be replaced in the File Spec. In the File Spec, the variables should be used as follows: ${key1}.
[Optional] If specified, only artifacts of the specified build are matched. The property format is build-name/build-number. If you do not specify the build number, the artifacts are filtered by the latest build number.
[Optional] If specified, only artifacts of the specified bundle are matched. The value format is bundle-name/bundle-version.
[Default: true] Set to false if you do not wish to search artifacts inside sub-folders in Artifactory.
A list of semicolon-separated(;) exclude patterns. Allows using wildcards.
[Default: asc]
The order by which fields in the 'sort-by' option should be sorted. Accepts asc
or desc
[Optional] Set to true to look for artifacts also in remote repositories. Available on Artifactory version 7.17.0 or higher.
[Optional] The maximum number of items to fetch. Usually used with the 'sort-by' option.
[Optional] The offset from which to fetch items (i.e. how many items should be skipped). Usually used with the 'sort-by' option.
[Default: false] Set to true if you'd like the command to return exit code 2 in case of no files are affected.
[Optional] This option is no longer supported since version 7.90.5 of Artifactory. If specified, only archive artifacts containing entries matching this pattern are matched. You can use wildcards to specify multiple artifacts.
[Default: false] Set to true to skip TLS certificates verification.
[Default: 3] Number of HTTP retry attempts.
[Default: 0s] Number of seconds or milliseconds to wait between retries. The numeric value should either end with s for seconds or ms for milliseconds (for example: 10s or 100ms).
Example 1
Display a list of all artifacts located under /rabbit in the frog-repo repository.
Example 2
Display a list of all zip files located under /rabbit in the frog-repo repository.
Example 3
Display a list of the files under example-repo-local with the following fields: path, actual_md5, modified_b, updated and depth.
Setting Properties on Files
This command is used for setting properties on existing files in Artifactory.
jf rt sp [command options] <Files pattern> <Files properties>
jf rt sp <artifact properties> --spec=<File Spec path> [command options]
Commands Params
Command name
rt set-props
rt sp
Command arguments:
The command takes two arguments, files pattern and files properties. In case the --spec option is used, the commands accept no arguments.
Files pattern
Files that match the pattern will be set with the specified properties.
Files properties
A list of semicolon-separated(;) key-values in the form of key1=value1;key2=value2,..., to be set on the matching files.
Command options:
When using the * or ; characters in the command options or arguments, make sure to wrap the whole options or arguments string in quotes (") to make sure the * or ; characters are not interpreted as literals.
[Optional] Server ID configured using the 'jf config' command. If not specified, the default configured Artifactory server is used.
[Optional] List of semicolon-separated(;) variables in the form of "key1=value1;key2=value2;..." to be replaced in the File Spec. In the File Spec, the variables should be used as follows: ${key1}.
[Optional] List of semicolon-separated(;) properties in the form of "key1=value1;key2=value2,...". Only files with these properties names and values are affected.
[Default: true] When false, artifacts inside sub-folders in Artifactory will not be affected.
[Optional] If specified, only artifacts of the specified build are matched. The property format is build-name/build-number. If you do not specify the build number, the artifacts are filtered by the latest build number.
[Optional] If specified, only artifacts of the specified bundle are matched. The value format is bundle-name/bundle-version.
[Default: false] When true, the properties will also be set on folders (and not just files) in Artifactory.
[Default: false] Set to true if you'd like the command to return exit code 2 in case of no files are affected.
A list of semicolon-separated(;) exclude patterns. Allows using wildcards.
[Default: asc]
The order by which fields in the 'sort-by' option should be sorted. Accepts asc
or desc
[Optional] The maximum number of items to fetch. Usually used with the 'sort-by' option.
[Optional] The offset from which to fetch items (i.e. how many items should be skipped). Usually used with the 'sort-by' option.
[Optional] This option is no longer supported since version 7.90.5 of Artifactory. If specified, only archive artifacts containing entries matching this pattern are matched. You can use wildcards to specify multiple artifacts.
[Default: false] Set to true to skip TLS certificates verification.
[Default: 3] Number of working threads.
[Default: 3] Number of HTTP retry attempts.
[Default: 0s] Number of seconds or milliseconds to wait between retries. The numeric value should either end with s for seconds or ms for milliseconds (for example: 10s or 100ms).
Example 1
Set the properties on all the zip files in the generic-local repository. The command will set the property "a" with "1" value and the property "b" with two values: "2" and "3".
Example 2
The command will set the property "a" with "1" value and the property "b" with two values: "2" and "3" on all files found by the File Spec my-spec.
Example 3
Set the properties on all the jar files in the maven-local repository. The command will set the property "version" with "1.0.0" value and the property "release" with "stable" value.
Example 4
The command will set the property "environment" with "production" value and the property "team" with "devops" value on all files found by the File Spec prod-spec.
Example 5
Set the properties on all the tar.gz files in the devops-local repository. The command will set the property "build" with "102" value and the property "branch" with "main" value.
Deleting Properties from Files
This command is used for deleting properties from existing files in Artifactory.
jf rt delp [command options] <Files pattern> <Properties list>
jf rt delp <artifact properties> --spec=<File Spec path> [command options]
Commands Params
Command name
rt delete-props
rt delp
Command arguments:
The command takes two arguments, files pattern and properties list. In case the --spec option is used, the commands accept no arguments.
Files pattern
Specifies the files pattern in the following format: [repository name]/[repository path].
You can use wildcards to specify multiple repositories and files.
Properties list
A comma-separated(,) list of properties, in the form of key1,key2,..., to be deleted from the matching files.
Command options:
When using the * or ; characters in the command options or arguments, make sure to wrap the whole options or arguments string in quotes (") to make sure the * or ; characters are not interpreted as literals.
[Optional] Artifactory Server ID configured using the 'jf config' command. If not specified, the default configured Artifactory server is used.
[Optional] List of semicolon-separated(;) properties in the form of "key1=value1;key2=value2,...". Only files with these properties are affected.
[Default: true] When false, artifacts inside sub-folders in Artifactory will not be affected.
[Optional] If specified, only artifacts of the specified build are matched. The property format is build-name/build-number. If you do not specify the build number, the artifacts are filtered by the latest build number.
[Optional] If specified, only artifacts of the specified bundle are matched. The value format is bundle-name/bundle-version.
[Default: false] When true, the properties will also be set on folders (and not just files) in Artifactory.
[Default: false] Set to true if you'd like the command to return exit code 2 in case of no files are affected.
List of semicolon-separated(;) exclude patterns. Allows using wildcards.
[Default: asc]
The order by which fields in the 'sort-by' option should be sorted. Accepts asc
or desc
[Optional] The maximum number of items to fetch. Usually used with the 'sort-by' option.
[Optional] The offset from which to fetch items (i.e. how many items should be skipped). Usually used with the 'sort-by' option.
[Optional] This option is no longer supported since version 7.90.5 of Artifactory. If specified, only archive artifacts containing entries matching this pattern are matched. You can use wildcards to specify multiple artifacts.
[Default: false] Set to true to skip TLS certificates verification.
[Default: 3] Number of HTTP retry attempts.
[Default: 0s] Number of seconds or milliseconds to wait between retries. The numeric value should either end with s for seconds or ms for milliseconds (for example: 10s or 100ms).
Example 1
Remove the properties version
and release
from all the jar files in the maven-local repository.
Example 2
Delete the properties build
and branch
from all tar.gz files in the devops-local repo.
Example 3
Remove the properties status
, phase
and stage
from all deb files that start with DEV in the debian-repository.
Example 4
Delete the environment
property from /tests/local/block.rpm
in the centos-repo.
Example 5
Remove the properties component
, layer
and level
from files in the docker-hub repository.
Last updated