Package Managers Integration
Running Maven Builds
JFrog CLI includes integration with Maven, allowing you to resolve dependencies and deploy build artifacts from and to Artifactory, while collecting build-info and storing it in Artifactory.
Setting maven repositories
Before using the jf mvn command, the project needs to be pre-configured with the Artifactory server and repositories, to be used for building and publishing the project. The jf mvn-config command should be used once to add the configuration to the project. The command should run while inside the root directory of the project. The configuration is stored by the command in the .jfrog directory at the root directory of the project.
Command options:
[Optional] Set to true, if you'd like the configuration to be global (for all projects on the machine). Specific projects can override the global configuration.
[Optional] Server ID for resolution. The server should configured using the 'jf rt c' command.
[Optional] Server ID for deployment. The server should be configured using the 'jf rt c' command.
[Optional] Resolution repository for release dependencies.
[Optional] Resolution repository for snapshot dependencies.
[Optional] Deployment repository for release artifacts.
[Optional] Deployment repository for snapshot artifacts.
[Optional] Filter deployed artifacts by setting a wildcard pattern that specifies which artifacts to include. You may provide multiple comma-separated(,) patterns followed by a white-space. For example artifact-.jar, artifact-.pom
[Optional] Filter deployed artifacts by setting a wildcard pattern that specifies which artifacts to exclude. You may provide multiple comma-separated(,) followed by a white-space. For example artifact--test.jar, artifact--test.pom
[Default:false] Set to true to disable snapshot resolution.
[Optional] Set snapshot update policy. Defaults to daily.
Command arguments:
The command accepts no arguments
Running maven
The mvn command triggers the maven client, while resolving dependencies and deploying artifacts from and to Artifactory.
Note: Before running the mvn command on a project for the first time, the project should be configured with the jf mvn-config command.
Note: If the machine running JFrog CLI has no access to the internet, make sure to read the Downloading the Maven and Gradle Extractor JARs section.
Commands Params
The following table lists the command arguments and flags:
Command options:
[Default: 3] Number of threads for uploading build artifacts.
[Optional] JFrog project key.
[Default: false] Set to true to skip TLS certificates verification.
[Default: false] Set if you'd like all files to be scanned by Xray on the local file system prior to the upload, and skip the upload if any of the files are found vulnerable.
[Default: table] Should be used with the --scan option. Defines the scan output format. Accepts table or json as values.
Command arguments:
The command accepts the same arguments and options as the mvn client.
Deploying Maven Artifacts
The deployment to Artifacts is triggered both by the deployment and install phases. To disable artifacts deployment, add -Dartifactory.publish.artifacts=false to the list of goals and options. For example: "jf mvn clean install -Dartifactory.publish.artifacts=false"
Run clean and install with maven.
Running Gradle Builds
JFrog CLI includes integration with Gradle, allowing you to resolve dependencies and deploy build artifacts from and to Artifactory, while collecting build-info and storing it in Artifactory.
Setting gradle repositories
Before using the gradle command, the project needs to be pre-configured with the Artifactory server and repositories, to be used for building and publishing the project. The gradle-config command should be used once to add the configuration to the project. The command should run while inside the root directory of the project. The configuration is stored by the command in the**.jfrog** directory at the root directory of the project.
Command options:
[Optional] Set to true, if you'd like the configuration to be global (for all projects on the machine). Specific projects can override the global configuration.
[Optional] Server ID for resolution. The server should configured using the 'jf c add' command.
[Optional] Server ID for deployment. The server should be configured using the 'jf c add' command.
[Optional] Repository for dependencies resolution.
[Optional] Repository for artifacts deployment.
[Default: false] Set to true if the Gradle Artifactory Plugin is already applied in the build script.
[Default: false] Set to true if you'd like to use the Gradle wrapper.
[Default: true] Set to false if you do not wish to deploy Maven descriptors.
[Default: true] Set to false if you do not wish to deploy Ivy descriptors.
[Default: '[organization]/[module]/ivy-[revision].xml' Set the deployed Ivy descriptor pattern.
Command arguments:
The command accepts no arguments
Running gradle
The jf gradle command triggers the gradle client, while resolving dependencies and deploying artifacts from and to Artifactory.
Note: Before running the jf gradle command on a project for the first time, the project should be configured with the jf gradle-config command.
Note: If the machine running JFrog CLI has no access to the internet, make sure to read the Downloading the Maven and Gradle Extractor JARssection.
Commands Params
The following table lists the command arguments and flags:
Command options:
[Default: 3] Number of threads for uploading build artifacts.
[Optional] JFrog project key.
[Default: false] Set if you'd like all files to be scanned by Xray on the local file system prior to the upload, and skip the upload if any of the files are found vulnerable.
[Default: table] Should be used with the --scan option. Defines the scan output format. Accepts table or json as values.
Command arguments:
The command accepts the same arguments and options as the gradle client.
Build the project using the artifactoryPublish task, while resolving and deploying artifacts from and to Artifactory.
Downloading the Maven and Gradle Extractor JARs
For integrating with Maven and Gradle, JFrog CLI uses the build-info-extractor jars files. These jar files are downloaded by JFrog CLI from jcenter the first time they are needed.
If you're using JFrog CLI on a machine which has no access to the internet, you can configure JFrog CLI to download these jar files from an Artifactory instance. Here's how to configure Artifactory and JFrog CLI to download the jars files.
Create a remote Maven repository in Artifactory and name it extractors. When creating the repository, configure it to proxy
Set the JFROG_CLI_EXTRACTORS_REMOTE environment variable with the server ID of the Artifactory server you configured, followed by a slash, and then the name of the repository you created. For example my-rt-server/extractors
Running Builds with MSBuild
JFrog CLI includes integration with MSBuild and Artifactory, allowing you to resolve dependencies and deploy build artifacts from and to Artifactory, while collecting build-info and storing it in Artifactory. This is done by having JFrog CLI in your search path and adding JFrog CLI commands to the MSBuild csproj
For detailed instructions, please refer to our MSBuild Project Example on GitHub.
Managing Docker Images
JFrog CLI provides full support for pulling and publishing docker images from and to Artifactory using the docker client running on the same machine. This allows you to collect build-info for your docker build and then publish it to Artifactory. You can also promote the pushed docker images from one repository to another in Artifactory.
To build and push your docker images to Artifactory, follow these steps:
Make sure Artifactory can be used as docker registry. Please refer to Getting Started with Docker and Artifactory in the JFrog Artifactory User Guide.
Make sure that the installed docker client has version 17.07.0-ce (2017-08-29) or above. To verify this, run docker -v**
To ensure that the docker client and your Artifactory docker registry are correctly configured to work together, run the following code snippet.
If everything is configured correctly, pushing any image including the hello-world image should be successfully uploaded to Artifactory.
Note: When running the docker-pull and docker-push commands, the CLI will first attempt to log in to the docker registry. In case of a login failure, the command will not be executed.
Check out our docker project examples on GitHub.
Pulling Docker Images Using the Docker Client
Running jf docker pull command allows pulling docker images from Artifactory, while collecting the build-info and storing it locally, so that it can be later published to Artifactory, using the build-publish command.
Commands Params
The following table lists the command arguments and flags:
docker pull
Command options:
[Optional] Server ID configured using the 'jf config' command. If not specified, the default configured Artifactory server is used.
[Optional] JFrog project key.
[Optional] Optional module name for the build-info.
[Default: false] Set to true if you'd like the command to skip performing docker login.
Command arguments:
The same arguments and options supported by the docker client/
The subsequent command utilizes the docker client to pull the '' image from Artifactory. This operation logs the image layers as dependencies of the local build-info identified by the build name 'my-build-name' and build number '7'. This local build-info can subsequently be released to Artifactory using the command 'jf rt bp my-build-name 7'.
You can then publish the build-info collected by the jf docker pull command to Artifactory using the build-publish command.
Pushing Docker Images Using the Docker Client
After building your image using the docker client, the jf docker push command pushes the image layers to Artifactory, while collecting the build-info and storing it locally, so that it can be later published to Artifactory, using the jf rt build-publish command.
Commands Params
The following table lists the command arguments and flags:
docker push
Command options:
[Optional] Server ID configured using the 'jf config' command. If not specified, the default configured Artifactory server is used.
[Optional] JFrog project key.
[Optional] Optional module name for the build-info.
[Default: false] Set to true if you'd like the command to skip performing docker login.
[Default: 3] Number of working threads.
[Default: false] Set true to include a list of the affected files as part of the command output summary.
Command arguments:
The same arguments and options supported by the docker client/
The subsequent command utilizes the docker client to push the '' image to Artifactory. This operation logs the image layers as artifacts of the local build-info identified by the build name 'my-build-name' and build number '7'. This local build-info can subsequently be released to Artifactory using the command 'jf rt bp my-build-name 7'.
You can then publish the build-info collected by the docker-push command to Artifactory using the build-publish command.
Pulling Docker Images Using Podman
Podman is a daemon-less container engine for developing, managing, and running OCI Containers. Running the podman-pull command allows pulling docker images from Artifactory using podman, while collecting the build-info and storing it locally, so that it can be later published to Artifactory, using the build-publish command.
Commands Params
The following table lists the command arguments and flags:
rt podman-pull
rt ppl
Command options:
[Optional] Server ID configured using the 'jf config' command. If not specified, the default configured Artifactory server is used.
[Optional] JFrog project key.
[Optional] Optional module name for the build-info.
[Default: false] Set to true if you'd like the command to skip performing docker login.
Command argument
Image tag
The docker image tag to pull.
Source repository
Source repository in Artifactory.
In this example, podman is employed to pull the local image '' from the docker-local Artifactory repository. During this process, it registers the image layers as dependencies within a build-info identified by the build name 'my-build-name' and build number '7'. This build-info is initially established locally and must be subsequently published to Artifactory using the command 'jf rt build-publish my-build-name 7'.
You can then publish the build-info collected by the podman-pull command to Artifactory using the build-publish command.
Pushing Docker Images Using Podman
Podman is a daemon-less container engine for developing, managing, and running OCI Containers. After building your image, the podman-push command pushes the image layers to Artifactory, while collecting the build-info and storing it locally, so that it can be later published to Artifactory, using the build-publish command.
Commands Params
The following table lists the command arguments and flags:
rt podman-push
rt pp
Command options:
[Optional] Server ID configured using the 'jf config' command. If not specified, the default configured Artifactory server is used.
[Optional] JFrog project key.
[Optional] Optional module name for the build-info.
[Default: false] Set to true if you'd like the command to skip performing docker login.
[Default: 3] Number of working threads.
[Default: false] Set to true to include a list of the affected files as part of the command output summary.
Command argument
Image tag
The docker image tag to push.
Target repository
Target repository in Artifactory.
In this illustration, podman is employed to push the local image '' to the docker-local Artifactory repository. During this process, it registers the image layers as artifacts within a build-info identified by the build name 'my-build-name' and build number '7'. This build-info is initially established locally and must be subsequently published to Artifactory using the command 'jf rt build-publish my-build-name 7'.
You can then publish the build-info collected by the podman-push command to Artifactory using the build-publish command.
Pushing Docker Images Using Kaniko
JFrog CLI allows pushing containers to Artifactory using Kaniko, while collecting build-info and storing it in Artifactory. For detailed instructions, please refer to our Kaniko project example on GitHub.
Pushing Docker Images Using buildx
JFrog CLI allows pushing containers to Artifactory using buildx, while collecting build-info and storing it in Artifactory. For detailed instructions, please refer to our buildx project example on GitHub.
Pushing Docker Images Using the OpenShift CLI
JFrog CLI allows pushing containers to Artifactory using the OpenShift CLI, while collecting build-info and storing it in Artifactory. For detailed instructions, please refer to our OpenShift build project example on GitHub.
Adding Published Docker Images to the Build-Info
The build-docker-create command allows adding a docker image, which is already published to Artifactory, into the build-info. This build-info can be later published to Artifactory, using the build-publish command.
Commands Params
rt build-docker-create
rt bdc
Command options:
Path to a file which includes one line in the following format: IMAGE-TAG@sha256:MANIFEST-SHA256. For example: cat image-file-details
[Optional] Server ID configured using the 'jf config' command. If not specified, the default configured Artifactory server is used.
[Optional] JFrog project key.
[Optional] Optional module name for the build-info.
[Default: 3] Number of working threads.
Command argument
Target repository
The name of the repository to which the image was pushed.
In this example, a Docker image that has already been deployed to Artifactory is incorporated into a locally created, unpublished build-info identified by the build name myBuild
and build number '1'. This local build-info can subsequently be published to Artifactory using the command 'jf rt bp myBuild 1'.
You can then publish the build-info collected by the podman-push command to Artifactory using the build-publish command.
Promoting Docker Images
Promotion is the action of moving or copying a group of artifacts from one repository to another, to support the artifacts' lifecycle. When it comes to docker images, there are two ways to promote a docker image which was pushed to Artifactory:
Create build-info for the docker image, and then promote the build using the jf rt build-promote command.
Use the jf rt docker-promote command as described below.
Commands Params
The following table lists the command arguments and flags:
rt docker-promote
rt dpr
Command options:
[Optional] Server ID configured using the 'jf config' command. If not specified, the default configured Artifactory server is used.
[Default: false] If set true, the Docker image is copied to the target repository, otherwise it is moved.
[Optional] The tag name to promote.
[Optional] Docker target image name.
[Optional] The target tag to assign the image after promotion.
Command argument
source docker image
The docker image name to promote.
source repository
Source repository in Artifactory.
target repository
Target repository in Artifactory.
Promote the hello-world docker image from the docker-dev-local repository to the docker-staging-local repository.
Building Npm Packages Using the Npm Client
JFrog CLI provides full support for building npm packages using the npm client. This allows you to resolve npm dependencies, and publish your npm packages from and to Artifactory, while collecting build-info and storing it in Artifactory.
Follow these guidelines when building npm packages:
You can download npm packages from any npm repository type - local, remote or virtual, but you can only publish to a local or virtual Artifactory repository, containing local repositories. To publish to a virtual repository, you first need to set a default local repository. For more details, please refer to Deploying to a Virtual Repository.
When the npm-publish command runs, JFrog CLI runs the pack command in the background. The pack action is followed by an upload, which is not based on the npm client's publish command. Therefore, If your npm package includes the prepublish or postpublish scripts, rename them to prepack and postpack respectively.
Npm client version 5.4.0 and above.
Artifactory version 5.5.2 and above.
Setting npm repositories
Before using the jf npm install, jf npm ci and jf npm publish commands, the project needs to be pre-configured with the Artifactory server and repositories, to be used for building and publishing the project. The jf npm-config command should be used once to add the configuration to the project. The command should run while inside the root directory of the project. The configuration is stored by the command in the .jfrog directory at the root directory of the project.
Command options:
[Optional] Set to true, if you'd like the configuration to be global (for all projects on the machine). Specific projects can override the global configuration.
[Optional] Artifactory server ID for resolution. The server should configured using the 'jf c add' command.
[Optional] Artifactory server ID for deployment. The server should be configured using the 'jf c add' command.
[Optional] Repository for dependencies resolution.
[Optional] Repository for artifacts deployment.
Command arguments:
The command accepts no arguments
Installing Npm Packages
The jf npm install and jf npm ci commands execute npm's install and ci commands respectively, to fetches the npm dependencies from the npm repositories.
Before running the jf npm install or jf npm ci command on a project for the first time, the project should be configured using the jf npm-config command.
Commands Params
The following table lists the command arguments and flags:
Command options:
[Optional] JFrog project key.
[Optional] Optional module name for the build-info.
[Default: 3] Number of working threads for build-info collection.
Command arguments:
The command accepts the same arguments and options as the npm client.
[Optional] JFrog project key.
[Optional] Optional module name for the build-info.
Command arguments:
The command accepts the same arguments and options as the npm client.
Example 1
The following example installs the dependencies and records them locally as part of build my-build-name/1. The build-info can later be published to Artifactory using the build-publish command. The dependencies are resolved from the Artifactory server and repository configured by npm-config command.
Example 2
The following example installs the dependencies. The dependencies are resolved from the Artifactory server and repository configured by npm-config command.
Example 3
The following example installs the dependencies using the npm-ci command. The dependencies are resolved from the Artifactory server and repository configured by npm-config command.
Publishing the Npm Packages into Artifactory
The npm-publish command packs and deploys the npm package to the designated npm repository.
Before running the npm-publish command on a project for the first time, the project should be configured using the jf npm-config command. This configuration includes the Artifactory server and repository to which the package should deploy.
Warning: If your npm package includes the prepublish or postpublish scripts, please refer to the guidelines above.
Commands Params
The following table lists the command arguments and flags:
npm publish
Command options:
[Optional] JFrog project key.
[Optional] Optional module name for the build-info.
[Default: false] Set true to include a list of the affected files as part of the command output summary.
[Default: false] Set if you'd like all files to be scanned by Xray on the local file system prior to the upload, and skip the upload if any of the files are found vulnerable.
[Default: table] Should be used with the --scan option. Defines the scan output format. Accepts table or JSON as values.
Command argument
The command accepts the same arguments and options that the npm pack command expects.
To pack and publish the npm package and also record it locally as part of build my-build-name/1, run the following command. The build-info can later be published to Artifactory using the build-publish command. The package is published to the Artifactory server and repository configured by npm-config command.
Building Npm Packages Using the Yarn Client
JFrog CLI provides full support for building npm packages using the yarn client. This allows you to resolve npm dependencies, while collecting build-info and storing it in Artifactory. You can download npm packages from any npm repository type - local, remote or virtual. Publishing the packages to a local npm repository is supported through the jf rt upload command.
Yarn version 2.4.0 and above is supported.
Setting npm repositories
Before using the jf yarn command, the project needs to be pre-configured with the Artifactory server and repositories, to be used for building the project. The yarn-config command should be used once to add the configuration to the project. The command should run while inside the root directory of the project. The configuration is stored by the command in the .jfrog directory at the root directory of the project.
Command options:
[Optional] Set to true, if you'd like the configuration to be global (for all projects on the machine). Specific projects can override the global configuration.
[Optional] Artifactory server ID for resolution. The server should configured using the 'jf c add' command.
[Optional] Repository for dependencies resolution.
Command arguments:
The command accepts no arguments
Installing Npm Packages
The jf yarn command executes the yarn client, to fetch the npm dependencies from the npm repositories.
Note: Before running the command on a project for the first time, the project should be configured using the jf yarn-config command.
Commands Params
The following table lists the command arguments and flags:
Command options:
[Optional] JFrog project key.
[Optional] Optional module name for the build-info.
[Default: 3] Number of working threads for build-info collection.
Command arguments:
The command accepts the same arguments and options as the yarn client.
Example 1
The following example installs the dependencies and records them locally as part of build my-build-name/1. The build-info can later be published to Artifactory using the build-publish command. The dependencies are resolved from the Artifactory server and repository configured by **yarn-config command.
Example 2
The following example installs the dependencies. The dependencies are resolved from the Artifactory server and repository configured by jf yarn-config command.
Building Go Packages
JFrog CLI provides full support for building Go packages using the Go client. This allows resolving Go dependencies from and publish your Go packages to Artifactory, while collecting build-info and storing it in Artifactory.
JFrog CLI client version 1.20.0 and above.
Artifactory version 6.1.0 and above.
Go client version 1.11.0 and above.
Example project
To help you get started, you can use this sample project on GitHub.
Setting Go repositories
Before you can use JFrog CLI to build your Go projects with Artifactory, you first need to set the resolutions and deployment repositories for the project.
Here's how you set the repositories.
'cd' into to the root of the Go project.
Run the jf go-config command.
Commands Params
Command options:
[Default false] Set to true, if you'd like the configuration to be global (for all projects on the machine). Specific projects can override the global configuration.
[Optional] Artifactory server ID for resolution. The server should configured using the 'jf c add' command.
[Optional] Artifactory server ID for deployment. The server should be configured using the 'jf c add' command.
[Optional] Repository for dependencies resolution.
[Optional] Repository for artifacts deployment.
Example 1
Set repositories for this go project.
Example 2
Set repositories for all go projects on this machine.
Running Go commands
The go command triggers the go client.
Note: Before running the go command on a project for the first time, the project should be configured using the jf go-config command.
Commands Params
The following table lists the command arguments and flags:
Command options:
[Optional] JFrog project key.
[Default false] Set to avoid downloading packages from the VCS, if they are missing in Artifactory.
[Optional] Optional module name for the build-info.
Command arguments:
Go command
The command accepts the same arguments and options as the go client.
Example 1
The following example runs Go build command. The dependencies resolved from Artifactory via the go-virtual repository.
Note: Before using this example, please make sure to set repositories for the Go project using the go-config command.
Example 2
The following example runs Go build command, while recording the build-info locally under build name my-build and build number 1. The build-info can later be published to Artifactory using the build-publishcommand.
Note: Before using this example, please make sure to set repositories for the Go project using the go-config command.
Publishing Go Packages to Artifactory
The jf go-publish command packs and deploys the Go package to the designated Go repository in Artifactory.
Note: Before running the jf go-publish command on a project for the first time, the project should be configured using the jf go-config command.
Commands Params
The following table lists the command arguments and flags:
Command options:
[Optional] JFrog project key.
[Optional] Optional module name for the build-info.
[Default: false] Set true to include a list of the affected files as part of the command output summary.
Command argument
The version of the Go project that is being published
Example 1
To pack and publish the Go package, run the following command. Before running this command on a project for the first time, the project should be configured using the jf go-config command.
Example 2
To pack and publish the Go package and also record the build-info as part of build my-build-name/1 , run the following command. The build-info can later be published to Artifactory using the build-publish command. Before running this command on a project for the first time, the project should be configured using the jf go-config command.
Building Python Packages
Pip, Pipenv and Twine
JFrog CLI provides full support for building Python packages using the pip and pipenv package managers, and deploying distributions using twine. This allows resolving python dependencies from Artifactory, using for pip and pipenv, while recording the downloaded packages. After installing and packaging the project, the distributions and wheels can be deployed to Artifactory using twine, while recording the uploaded packages. The downloaded packages are stored as dependencies in the build-info stored in Artifactory, while the uploaded ones are stored as artifacts.
Example projects
To help you get started, you can use the sample projects on GitHub.
Setting Python repository
Before you can use JFrog CLI to build your Python projects with Artifactory, you first need to set the repository for the project.
Here's how you set the repositories.
'cd' into the root of the Python project.
Run the jf pip-config or jf pipenv-config commands, depending on whether you're using the pip or pipenv clients.
Commands Params
pip-config / pipenv-config
pipc / pipec
Command options:
[Default false] Set to true, if you'd like the configuration to be global (for all projects on the machine). Specific projects can override the global configuration.
[Optional] Artifactory server ID for resolution. The server should configured using the 'jf c add' command.
[Optional] Repository for dependencies resolution.
[Optional] Artifactory server ID for deployment. The server should configured using the 'jf c add' command.
[Optional] Repository for artifacts deployment.
Example 1
Set repositories for this Python project when using the pip client (for pipenv: jf pipec
Example 2
Set repositories for all Python projects using the pip client on this machine (for pipenv: jf pipec --global
Installing Python packages
The jf pip install and jf pipenv install commands use the pip and pipenv clients respectively, to install the project dependencies from Artifactory. The jf pip install and jf pipenv install commands can also record these packages as build dependencies as part of the build-info published to Artifactory.
Note: Before running the pip install and pipenv install commands on a project for the first time, the project should be configured using the jf pip-config or jf pipenv-config commands respectively.
Recording all dependencies
JFrog CLI records the installed packages as build-info dependencies. The recorded dependencies are packages installed during the jf pip install and jf pipenv install command execution. When running the command inside a Python environment, which already has some of the packages installed, the installed packages will not be included as part of the build-info, because they were not originally installed by JFrog CLI. A warning message will be added to the log in this case.
How to include all packages in the build-info?
The details of all the installed packages are always cached by the jf pip install and jf pipenv install command in the .jfrog/projects/deps.cache.json file, located under the root of the project. JFrog CLI uses this cache for including previously installed packages in the build-info.
If the Python environment had some packages installed prior to the first execution of the install
command, those previously installed packages will be missing from the cache and therefore will not be included in the build-info.
Running the install
command with both the no-cache-dir and force-reinstall pip options, should re-download and install these packages, and they will therefore be included in the build-info and added to the cache. It is also recommended to run the command from inside a virtual environment.
Commands Params
pip / pipenv
Command options:
[Optional] JFrog project key.
[Optional] Optional module name for the build-info.
Command argument
The command accepts the same arguments and options as the pip / pipenv clients.
Example 1
The following command triggers pip install, while recording the build dependencies as part of build name my-build and build number 1 .
Example 2
The following command triggers pipenv install, while recording the build dependencies as part of build name my-build and build number 1 .
Publishing Python packages using Twine
The jf twine upload command uses the twine, to publish the project distributions to Artifactory. The jf twine upload command can also record these packages as build artifacts as part of the build-info published to Artifactory.
Note: Before running the twine upload command on a project for the first time, the project should be configured using the jf pip-config or jf pipenv-config commands, with deployer configuration.
Commands Params
Command options:
[Optional] JFrog project key.
[Optional] Optional module name for the build-info.
Command argument
The command accepts the arguments and options supported by twine client, except for repository configuration and authentication options.
Example 1
The following command triggers twine upload, while recording the build artifacts as part of build name my-build and build number 1 .
JFrog CLI provides partial support for building Python packages using the poetry package manager. This allows resolving python dependencies from Artifactory, but currently does NOT record downloaded packages as dependencies in the build-info.
Setting Python repository
Before you can use JFrog CLI to build your Python projects with Artifactory, you first need to set the repository for the project.
Here's how you set the repositories.
'cd' into the root of the Python project.
Run the jf poetry-config command as follows.
Commands Params
Command options:
[Default false] Set to true, if you'd like the configuration to be global (for all projects on the machine). Specific projects can override the global configuration.
[Optional] Artifactory server ID for resolution. The server should configured using the 'jf c add' command.
[Optional] Repository for dependencies resolution.
Example 1
Set repositories for this Python project when using the poetry client.
Example 2
Set repositories for all Python projects using the poetry client on this machine.
Installing Python packages
The jf poetry install commands use the poetry client to install the project dependencies from Artifactory.
Note: Before running the poetry install command on a project for the first time, the project should be configured using the jf poetry-config command.
Commands Params
Command options:
[Optional] JFrog project key.
[Optional] Optional module name for the build-info.
Command argument
The command accepts the same arguments and options as the poetry clients.
Example 1
The following command triggers poetry install, while resolving dependencies from Artifactory.
Building NuGet Packages
JFrog CLI provides full support for restoring NuGet packages using the NuGet client or the .NET Core CLI. This allows you to resolve NuGet dependencies from and publish your NuGet packages to Artifactory, while collecting build-info and storing it in Artifactory.
NuGet dependencies resolution is supported by the jf nuget
command, which uses the NuGet client or the jf dotnet
command, which uses the .NET Core CLI.
To publish your NuGet packages to Artifactory, use the jf rt upload command.
Setting NuGet repositories
Before using thenuget or dotnet commands, the project needs to be pre-configured with the Artifactory server and repository, to be used for building the project.
Before using the nuget or dotnet commands, the nuget-config or dotnet-config commands should be used respectively. These commands configure the project with the details of the Artifactory server and repository, to be used for the build. The nuget-config or dotnet-config commands should be executed while inside the root directory of the project. The configuration is stored by the command in the .jfrog directory at the root directory of the project. You then have the option of storing the .jfrog directory with the project sources, or creating this configuration after the sources are checked out.
The following table lists the commands' options:
nuget-config / dotnet-config
nugetc / dotnetc
Command options:
[Optional] Set to true, if you'd like the configuration to be global (for all projects on the machine). Specific projects can override the global configuration.
[Optional] Artifactory server ID for resolution. The server should configured using the 'jf c add' command.
[Optional] Repository for dependencies resolution.
[Default: false] Set to true if you'd like to use the NuGet V2 protocol when restoring packages from Artifactory (instead of NuGet V3).
Command arguments:
The command accepts no arguments
Running Nuget and Dotnet commands
The nuget command runs the NuGet client and the dotnet command runs the **.NET Core CLI.
Before running the nuget command on a project for the first time, the project should be configured using the nuget-config command.
Before running the dotnet command on a project for the first time, the project should be configured using the dotnet-config command.
Commands Params
The following table lists the commands arguments and options:
nuget / dotnet
Command options:
[Optional] JFrog project key.
[Optional] Optional module name for the build-info.
Command argument
The command accepts the same arguments and options as the NuGet client / .NET Core CLI.
Example 1
Run nuget restore for the solution at the current directory, while resolving the NuGet dependencies from the pre-configured Artifactory repository. Use the NuGet client for this command
Example 2
Run dotnet restore for the solution at the current directory, while resolving the NuGet dependencies from the pre-configured Artifactory repository. Use the .NET Core CLI for this command
Example 3
Run dotnet restore for the solution at the current directory, while resolving the NuGet dependencies from the pre-configured Artifactory repository.
In addition, record the build-info as part of build my-build-name/1. The build-info can later be published to Artifactory using the build-publish command.
Packaging and Publishing Terraform Modules
JFrog CLI supports packaging Terraform modules and publishing them to a Terraform repository in Artifactory using the jf terraform publish command.
We recommend using this example project on GitHub for an easy start up.
Before using the jf terraform publish command for the first time, you first need to configure the Terraform repository for your Terraform project. To do this, follow these steps:
'cd' into the root directory for your Terraform project.
Run the interactive jf terraform-config command and set deployment repository name.
The jf terraform-config command will store the repository name inside the .jfrog directory located in the current directory. You can also add the --global command option, if you prefer the repository configuration applies to all projects on the machine. In that case, the configuration will be saved in JFrog CLI's home directory.
Commands Params
The following table lists the command options:
Command options:
[Optional] Set to true, if you'd like the configuration to be global (for all projects on the machine). Specific projects can override the global configuration.
[Optional] Artifactory server ID for deployment. The server should configured using the 'jf c add' command.
[Optional] Repository for artifacts deployment.
Command arguments:
The command accepts no arguments
Example 1
Configuring the Terraform repository for a project, while inside the root directory of the project
Example 2
Configuring the Terraform repository for all projects on the machine
terraform publish
The terraform publish command creates a terraform package for the module in the current directory, and publishes it to the configured Terraform repository in Artifactory.
Commands Params
The following table lists the commands arguments and options:
terraform publish
tf p
Command options:
[Mandatory] Terraform module namespace
[Mandatory] Terraform module provider
[Mandatory] Terraform module tag
[Optional] A list of semicolon-separated(;) exclude patterns wildcards. Paths inside the module matching one of the patterns are excluded from the deployed package.
Command argument
The command accepts no arguments
Example 1
The command creates a package for the Terraform module in the current directory, and publishes it to the Terraform repository (configured by the jf tfc command) with the provides namespace, provider and tag.
Example 2
The command creates a package for the Terraform module in the current directory, and publishes it to the Terraform repository (configured by the jf tfc command) with the provides namespace, provider and tag. The published package will not include the module paths which include either test or ignore .
Example 3
The command creates a package for the Terraform module in the current directory, and publishes it to the Terraform repository (configured by the jf tfc command) with the provides namespace, provider and tag. The published module will be recorded as an artifact of a build named my-build with build number 1. The jf rt bp command publishes the build to Artifactory.
Last updated