JFrog CLI Plugins
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JFrog CLI Plugins allow enhancing the functionality of JFrog CLI to meet the specific user and organization needs. The source code of a plugin is maintained as an open source Go project on GitHub. All public plugins are registered in JFrog CLI's Plugins Registry. We encourage you, as developers, to create plugins and share them publicly with the rest of the community. When a plugin is included in the registry, it becomes publicly available and can be installed using JFrog CLI. Read the JFrog CLI Plugins Developer Guide if you wish to create and publish your own plugins.
A plugin which is included JFrog CLI's Plugins Registry can be installed using the following command.
This command will install the plugin from the official public registry by default. You can also install a plugin from a private JFrog CLI Plugin registry, as described in the Private Plugins Registries section.
In addition to the public official JFrog CLI Plugins Registry, JFrog CLI supports publishing and installing plugins to and from private JFrog CLI Plugins Registries. A private registry can be hosted on any Artifactory server. It uses a local generic Artifactory repository for storing the plugins.
To create your own private plugins registry, follow these steps.
On your Artifactory server, create a local generic repository named jfrog-cli-plugins.
Make sure your Artifactory server is included in JFrog CLI's configuration, by running the jf c show command.
If needed, configure your Artifactory instance using the jf c add command.
Set the ID of the configured server as the value of the JFROG_CLI_PLUGINS_SERVER environment variable.
If you wish the name of the plugins repository to be different from jfrog-cli-plugins, set this name as the value of the JFROG_CLI_PLUGINS_REPO environment variable.
The jf plugin install command will now install plugins stored in your private registry.
To publish a plugin to the private registry, run the following command, while inside the root of the plugin's sources directory. This command will build the sources of the plugin for all the supported operating systems. All binaries will be uploaded to the configured registry.