Managing Configuration Entities
JFrog CLI offers a set of commands for managing Artifactory configuration entities.
Creating Users
This command allows creating a bulk of users. The details of the users are provided in a CSV format file. Here's the file format.
Note: The first line in the CSV is cells' headers. It is mandatory and is used by the command to map the cell value to the users' details.
The CSV can include additional columns, with different headers, which will be ignored by the command.
Commands Params
rt users-create
rt uc
Command options:
[Optional] Artifactory Server ID configured using the 'jf config' command.
[Mandatory] Path to a CSV file with the users' details. The first row of the file should include the name,password,email headers.
[Optional] Set to true if you'd like existing users or groups to be replaced.
[Optional] A list of comma-separated(,) groups for the new users to be associated to.
Command arguments:
The command accepts no arguments
Create new users according to details defined in the path/to/users.csv file.
Deleting Users
This command allows deleting a bulk of users. The command a list of usernames to delete. The list can be either provided as a comma-seperated argument, or as a CSV file, which includes one column with the usernames. Here's the CSV format.
The first line in the CSV is cells' headers. It is mandatory and is used by the command to map the cell value to the users' details.
The CSV can include additional columns, with different headers, which will be ignored by the command.
Commands Params
rt users-delete
rt udel
Command options:
[Optional] Artifactory Server ID configured using the 'jf config' command.
[Optional] Path to a csv file with the usernames to delete. The first row of the file is the reserved for the cells' headers. It must include the "username" header.
Command arguments:
users list
comma-separated(,) list of usernames to delete. If the --csv command option is used, then this argument becomes optional.
Example 1
Delete the users according to the usernames defined in the path/to/users.csv file.
Example 2
Delete the users according to the u1, u2 and u3 usernames.
Creating Groups
This command creates a new users group.
Commands Params
rt group-create
rt gc
Command options:
[Optional] Artifactory Server ID configured using the 'jf config' command.
Command arguments:
group name
The name of the group to create.
Create a new group name reviewers .
Adding Users to Groups
This command adds a list fo existing users to a group.
Commands Params
rt group-add-users
rt gau
Command options:
[Optional] Artifactory Server ID configured using the 'jf config' command.
Command arguments:
group name
The name of the group to add users to.
users list
Comma-seperated list of usernames to add to the specified group.
Add to group reviewers the users with the following usernames: u1, u2 and u3.
Deleting Groups
This command deletes a group.
Commands Params
rt group-delete
rt gdel
Command options:
[Optional] Artifactory Server ID configured using the 'jf config' command.
Command arguments:
group name
The name of the group to delete.
Delete the reviewers group.
Managing Repositories
JFrog CLI offers a set of commands for managing Artifactory repositories. You can create, update and delete repositories. To make it easier to manage repositories, the commands which create and update the repositories accept a pre-defined configuration template file. This template file can also include variables, which can be later replaced with values, when creating or updating the repositories. The configuration template file is created using the jf rt repo-template command.
Creating or Configuration Template
This is an interactive command, which creates a configuration template file. This file should be used as an argument for the jf rt repo-create or the jf rt repo-update commands.
When using this command to create the template, you can also provide replaceable variable, instead of fixes values. Then, when the template is used to create or update repositories, values can be provided to replace the variables in the template.
Commands Params
rt repo-template
rt rpt
Command options:
The command has no options.
Command arguments:
template path
Specifies the local file system path for the template file created by the command. The file should not exist.
Create a configuration template, with a variable for the repository name. Then, create a repository using this template, and provide repository name to replace the variable.
Creating / Updating Repositories
These two commands create a new repository and updates an existing a repository. Both commands accept as an argument a configuration template, which can be created by the jf rt repo-template command. The template also supports variables, which can be replaced with values, provided when it is used.
Commands Params
rt repo-create / rt repo-update
rt rc / rt ru
Command options:
[Optional] Artifactory Server ID configured using the 'jf config' command.
[Optional] List of semicolon-separated(;) variables in the form of "key1=value1;key2=value2;..." to be replaced in the template. In the template, the variables should be used as follows: ${key1}.
Command arguments:
template path
Specifies the local file system path for the template file to be used for the repository creation. The template can be created using the "jf rt rpt" command.
Example 1
Create a repository, using the template.json file previously generated by the repo-template command.
Example 2
Update a repository, using the template.json file previously generated by the repo-template command.
Example 3
Update a repository, using the template.json file previously generated by the repo-template command. Replace the repo-name variable inside the template with a name for the updated repository.
Deleting Repositories
This command permanently deletes a repository, including all of its content.
Commands Params
Command name
rt repo-delete
rt rdel
Command options:
[Optional] Artifactory Server ID configured using the 'jf config' command.
[Default: $CI] Set to true to skip the delete confirmation message.
Command arguments:
repository key
Specifies the repositories that should be removed. You can use wildcards to specify multiple repositories.
Delete a repository from Artifactory.
Managing Replications
JFrog CLI offers commands creating and deleting replication jobs in Artifactory. To make it easier to create replication jobs, the commands which creates the replication job accepts a pre-defined configuration template file. This template file can also include variables, which can be later replaced with values, when creating the replication job. The configuration template file is created using the jf rt replication-template command.
Creating a Configuration Template
This command creates a configuration template file, which will be used as an argument for the jf rt replication-create command.
When using this command to create the template, you can also provide replaceable variable, instead of fixes values. Then, when the template is used to create replication jobs, values can be provided to replace the variables in the template.
Commands Params
rt replication-template
rt rplt
Command options:
The command has no options.
Command arguments:
template path
Specifies the local file system path for the template file created by the command. The file should not exist.
Create a configuration template, with two variables for the source and target repositories. Then, create a replication job using this template, and provide source and target repository names to replace the variables.
Creating Replication Jobs
This command creates a new replication job for a repository. The command accepts as an argument a configuration template, which can be created by the jf rt replication-template command. The template also supports variables, which can be replaced with values, provided when it is used.
Commands Params
rt rplc
Command options:
[Optional] Artifactory Server ID configured using the 'jf config' command.
[Optional] List of semicolon-separated(;) variables in the form of "key1=value1;key2=value2;..." to be replaced in the template. In the template, the variables should be used as follows: ${key1}.
Command arguments:
template path
Specifies the local file system path for the template file to be used for the replication job creation. The template can be created using the "jf rt rplt" command.
Example 1
Create a replication job, using the template.json file previously generated by the replication-template command.
Example 2
Update a replication job, using the template.json file previously generated by the replication-template command. Replace the source and target variables inside the template with the names of the replication source and target repositories.
Deleting Replication jobs
This command permanently deletes a replication jobs from a repository.
Commands Params
Command name
rt replication-delete
rt rpldel
Command options:
[Optional] Artifactory Server ID configured using the 'jf config' command.
[Default: $CI] Set to true to skip the delete confirmation message.
Command arguments:
repository key
The repository from which the replications will be deleted.
Delete a repository from Artifactory.
Managing Permission Targets
JFrog CLI offers commands creating, updating and deleting permission targets in Artifactory. To make it easier to create and update permission targets, the commands which create and update the permission targets accept a pre-defined configuration template file. This template file can also include variables, which can be later replaced with values, when creating or updating the permission target. The configuration template file is created using the jf rt permission-target-template command.
Creating a Configuration Template
This command creates a configuration template file, which will be used as an argument for the jf rt permission-target-create and jf rt permission-target-update commands.
rt permission-target-template
rt ptt
Command options:
The command has no options.
Command arguments:
template path
Specifies the local file system path for the template file created by the command. The file should not exist.
Creating / Updating Permission Targets
These commands create/update a permission target. The commands accept as an argument a configuration template, which should be created by the jf rt permission-target-template command beforehand. The template also supports variables, which can be replaced with values, provided when it is used.
permission-target-create / permission-target-update
rt ptc / rt ptu
Command arguments:
template path
Specifies the local file system path for the template file to be used for the permission target creation or update. The template should be created using the "jf rt ptt" command.
permission-target-create / permission-target-update
rt ptc / rt ptu
Command options:
[Optional] Artifactory Server ID configured using the 'jf config' command.
[Optional] List of semicolon-separated(;) variables in the form of "key1=value1;key2=value2;..." to be replaced in the template. In the template, the variables should be used as follows: ${key1}.
Deleting Permission Targets
This command permanently deletes a permission target.
Command name
rt permission-target-delete
rt ptdel
Command options:
[Optional] Artifactory Server ID configured using the 'jf config' command.
[Default: $CI] Set to true to skip the delete confirmation message.
Command arguments:
permission target name
The permission target that should be removed.
Last updated