cURL Integration
Execute a cURL command, using the configured Artifactory details. The command expects the cUrl client to be included in the PATH.
Note - This command supports only Artifactory REST APIs, which are accessible under https://<JFrog base URL>/artifactory/api/
Commands Params
Command name
rt curl
rt cl
Command options:
[Optional] Server ID configured using the jf c add command. If not specified, the default configured server is used.
Command arguments:
cUrl arguments and flags
The same list of arguments and flags passed to cUrl, except for the following changes: 1. The full Artifactory URL should not be passed. Instead, the REST endpoint URI should be sent. 2. The login credentials should not be passed. Instead, the --server-id should be used.
Currently only servers configured with username and password / API key are supported.
Example 1
Execute the cUrl client, to send a GET request to the /api/build endpoint to the default Artifactory server
Example 2
Execute the cUrl client, to send a GET request to the /api/build endpoint to the configured my-rt-server server ID.
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