Using Placeholders


The JFrog CLI offers enormous flexibility in how you download, upload, copy, or move files through the use of wildcard or regular expressions with placeholders.

Any wildcard enclosed in parentheses in the source path can be matched with a corresponding placeholder in the target path to determine the name of the artifact once uploaded.


Example 1: Upload all files to the target repository

For each .tgz file in the source directory, create a corresponding directory with the same name in the target repository and upload it there. For example, a file named froggy.tgz should be uploaded to my-local-rep/froggy. froggy will be created in a folder in Artifactory).

jf rt u "(*).tgz" my-local-repo/{1}/ --recursive=false

Example 2: Upload all files sharing the same prefix to the target repository

Upload all files whose name begins with "frog" to folder frogfiles in the target repository, but append its name with the text "-up". For example, a file called froggy.tgz should be renamed froggy.tgz-up.

jf u "(frog*)" my-local-repo/frogfiles/{1}-up --recursive=false

Example 3: Upload all files to corresponding directories according to extension type

Upload all files in the current directory to the my-local-repo repository and place them in directories that match their file extensions.

jf rt u "(*).(*)" my-local-repo/{2}/{1}.{2} --recursive=false

Example 4: Copy all zip files to target repository and append with an extension

Copy all zip files under /rabbit in the source-frog-repo repository into the same path in the target-frog-repo repository and append the copied files' names with ".cp".

jf rt cp "source-frog-repo/rabbit/(*.zip)" target-frog-repo/rabbit/{1}.cp

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