Frogbot Configuration

Creating the frogbot-config.yml file

What is the frogbot-config.yml file?

The frogbot-config.yml file encompasses project-related configurations used by Frogbot's scanning. This includes details about the repository's directory structure and may additionally encompass package manager commands necessary for Frogbot to list the project's dependencies.

Is the frogbot-config.yml file mandatory?

No, the file isn't mandatory. In most cases, Frogbot can understand the structure of the projects in the repository and list the project's depedencies without the file.

If your project doesn't use a frogbot-config.yml file, all the configuration Frogbot requires should be provided as variables as part of the Frogbot workflows.

How does the frogbot-config.yml file helps Frogbot scan the repository?

Frogbot relies on the project's descriptor files, such as package.json and pom.xml, to identify the project's dependencies. It scans the repository for these descriptor files and utilizes the appropriate package manager, such as npm or Maven, to compile a list of dependencies for the project. If you desire manual control over the project structure or the package manager commands, you can achieve this by creating a frogbot-config.yml file. In the provided example, we outline two subprojects located at path/to/project-1 and path/to/project-2 for Frogbot to include in its scanning process.

- params:
      repoName: my-git-repo-name
        - master
        - workingDirs:
            - path/to/npm/project-1
            - path/to/npm/project-2

Here's another example. Notice that we specify a custom install command here.

- params:
      repoName: my-git-repo-name
        - master
        - workingDirs:
            - path/to/node/project
        - installCommand: nuget restore
            - path/to/.net/project

Can one frogbot-config.yml file be used for multiple Git repositories?

You have the option of using a single frogbot-config.yml file for scanning multiple Git repositories in the same organization if one of the following platforms is used.

  • GitHub with Jenkins or JFrog Pipelines

  • Bitbucket Server

  • Azure Repos

The file can be placed in any repository if it's in the same organization as all the repositories referenced in the file. Here's an example of a frogbot-config.yml referencing multiple repositories.

- params:
      repoName: repo-1
        - master
- params:
      repoName: repo-2
        - master
        - dev
- params:
      repoName: repo-3
        - master
        - pipRequirementsFile: requirements.txt

If however you're using one of the following platforms, each repository that needs to be scanned by Frogbot should include its own frogbot-config.yml file.

  • GitHub with GitHub actions

  • GitLab

Where should the frogbot-config.yml file be placed in the repository?

Frogbot expects the frogbot-config.yml file to be in the following path from the root of the Git repository: .frogbot/frogbot-config.yml.

IMPORTANT: The frogbot-config.yml file must be pushed to the target branch before it can be used by Frogbot. This means that if, for example, a pull request includes the frogbot-config.yml and the target branch doesn't, the file will be ignored.

The frogbot-config.yml file structure

See the complete content and structure of the frogbot-config.yml file here.

Last updated