Setup Frogbot Using Azure Pipelines

Important Notice: For Scanning Pull Requests, it is advisable to refrain from setting up Frogbot using Azure Pipelines for open source projects. For further details, please refer to the 👮 Security Note for Pull Requests Scanning.

To install Frogbot on Azure Repos repositories, follow these steps.

  1. Make sure you have the connection details of your JFrog environment.

  2. Decide which repository branches you'd like to scan.

  3. Go to your Azure Pipelines project, and add a new pipeline.

  4. Set Azure Repos Git as your code source.

  5. Select the repository in which the Frogbot pipelines will reside in.

  6. Select Starter Pipeline and name it frogbot.

  7. Use the content of the below templates for the pipeline. Edit the remaining mandatory Variables.

Scanning repository branches and fixing issues
  - cron: '0 0 * * *'
    displayName: Daily midnight build
          - main

pr: none
trigger: none

  vmImage: ubuntu-latest

  # Predefined Azure Pipelines variables. There's no need to modify them.
  JF_GIT_PROJECT: $(System.TeamProject)
  JF_GIT_REPO: $(Build.Repository.Name)
  JF_GIT_API_ENDPOINT: $(System.CollectionUri)
  JF_GIT_BASE_BRANCH: $(Build.SourceBranchName)
  JF_GIT_OWNER: $(System.TeamProject)
  JF_GIT_PROVIDER: 'azureRepos'

  - job:
    displayName: "Frogbot Scan Repository and Fix"
       - task: CmdLine@2
         displayName: 'Download and Run Frogbot'
            # [Mandatory]
            # JFrog platform URL (This functionality requires version 3.29.0 or above of Xray)
            JF_URL: $(JF_URL)

            # [Mandatory if JF_USER and JF_PASSWORD are not provided]
            # JFrog access token with 'read' permissions for Xray

            # [Mandatory if JF_ACCESS_TOKEN is not provided]
            # JFrog user and password with 'read' permissions for Xray
            # JF_USER: $JF_USER

            # [Mandatory]
            # Azure Repos personal access token with Code -> Read & Write permissions
            JF_GIT_TOKEN: $(JF_GIT_TOKEN)

            # [Optional]
            # By default, the Frogbot workflows download the Frogbot executable as well as other tools 
            # needed from
            # If the machine that runs Frogbot has no access to the internet, follow these steps to allow the
            # executable to be downloaded from an Artifactory instance, which the machine has access to: 
            # 1. Login to the Artifactory UI, with a user who has admin credentials.
            # 2. Create a Remote Repository with the following properties set.
            #    Under the 'Basic' tab:
            #       Package Type: Generic
            #       URL:
            #    Under the 'Advanced' tab:
            #       Uncheck the 'Store Artifacts Locally' option
            # 3. Set the value of the 'JF_RELEASES_REPO' variable with the Repository Key you created.
            # JF_RELEASES_REPO: ""

            ##   If your project uses a 'frogbot-config.yml' file, you should define ##
            ##   the following variables inside the file, instead of here.           ##

            # [Mandatory if the two conditions below are met]
            # 1. The project uses yarn 2, NuGet, or .NET to download its dependencies
            # 2. The `installCommand` variable isn't set in your frogbot-config.yml file.
            # The command that installs the project dependencies (e.g "nuget restore")
            # JF_INSTALL_DEPS_CMD: ""

            # [Optional, default: "."]
            # Relative path to the root of the project in the Git repository
            # JF_WORKING_DIR: maven

            # [Default: "*.git*;*node_modules*;*target*;*venv*;*test*"]
            # List of exclusion patterns (utilizing wildcards) for excluding paths in the source code of the Git repository during SCA scans.
            # JF_PATH_EXCLUSIONS: "*.git*;*node_modules*;*target*;*venv*;*test*"

            # [Optional]
            # Xray Watches. Learn more about them here:
            # JF_WATCHES: <watch-1>,<watch-2>...<watch-n>

            # [Optional]
            # JFrog project. Learn more about it here:
            # JF_PROJECT: <project-key>

            # [Optional, default: "FALSE"]
            # Displays all existing vulnerabilities, including the ones that were added by the pull request.

            # [Optional, default: "FALSE"]
            # When adding new comments on pull requests, keep old comments that were added by previous scans.

            # [Optional, default: "TRUE"]
            # Fails the Frogbot task if any security issue is found.
            # JF_FAIL: "FALSE"

            # [Optional]
            # Relative path to a Pip requirements.txt file. If not set, the Python project's dependencies are determined and scanned using the project file.
            # JF_REQUIREMENTS_FILE: ""

            # [Optional, Default: "TRUE"]
            # Use Gradle wrapper.
            # JF_USE_WRAPPER: "FALSE"

            # [Optional]
            # Frogbot will download the project dependencies if they're not cached locally. To download the
            # dependencies from a virtual repository in Artifactory, set the name of the repository. There's no
            # need to set this value, if it is set in the frogbot-config.yml file.
            # JF_DEPS_REPO: ""

            # [Optional]
            # Template for the branch name generated by Frogbot when creating pull requests with fixes.
            # The template must include ${BRANCH_NAME_HASH}, to ensure that the generated branch name is unique.
            # The template can optionally include the ${IMPACTED_PACKAGE} and ${FIX_VERSION} variables.

            # [Optional]
            # Template for the commit message generated by Frogbot when creating pull requests with fixes
            # The template can optionally include the ${IMPACTED_PACKAGE} and ${FIX_VERSION} variables.

            # [Optional]
            # Template for the pull request title generated by Frogbot when creating pull requests with fixes.
            # The template can optionally include the ${IMPACTED_PACKAGE} and ${FIX_VERSION} variables.

            # [Optional, Default: "FALSE"]
            # If TRUE, Frogbot creates a single pull request with all the fixes.
            # If FALSE, Frogbot creates a separate pull request for each fix.

            # [Optional, Default: "FALSE"]
            # Handle vulnerabilities with fix versions only
            # JF_FIXABLE_ONLY: "TRUE"

            # [Optional]
            # Set the minimum severity for vulnerabilities that should be fixed and commented on in pull requests
            # The following values are accepted: Low, Medium, High, or Critical
            # JF_MIN_SEVERITY: ""

            # [Optional, Default:]
            # Set the email of the commit author
            # JF_GIT_EMAIL_AUTHOR: ""

            # [Optional]
            # Set the list of allowed licenses
            # The full list of licenses can be found in:
            # JF_ALLOWED_LICENSES: "MIT, Apache-2.0"

           # [Optional]
           # Avoid adding extra info to pull request comments. that isn't related to the scan findings.

           # [Optional]
           # Add a title to pull request comments generated by Frogbot.
           # JF_PR_COMMENT_TITLE: ""

            script: |
               getFrogbotScriptPath=$(if [ -z "$JF_RELEASES_REPO" ]; then echo ""; else echo "${JF_URL}/artifactory/${JF_RELEASES_REPO}"; fi)
               curl -fLg "$getFrogbotScriptPath/artifactory/frogbot/v2/[RELEASE]/" | sh
               ./frogbot cfpr
Scanning pull requests
  vmImage: ubuntu-latest

trigger: none

  JF_GIT_PULL_REQUEST_ID: $(System.PullRequest.PullRequestId)
  JF_GIT_PROJECT: $(System.TeamProject)
  JF_GIT_REPO: $(Build.Repository.Name)
  JF_GIT_API_ENDPOINT: $(System.CollectionUri)
  JF_GIT_BASE_BRANCH: $(System.PullRequest.TargetBranchName)
  JF_GIT_OWNER: $(System.TeamProject)
  JF_GIT_PROVIDER: 'azureRepos'

  - job:
    displayName: "Frogbot Scan Pull Request"
       - task: CmdLine@2
         displayName: 'Download and Run Frogbot'
           # [Mandatory]
           # JFrog platform URL (This functionality requires version 3.29.0 or above of Xray)
           JF_URL: $(JF_URL)
           # [Mandatory if JF_USER and JF_PASSWORD are not provided]
           # JFrog access token with 'read' permissions for Xray
           # [Mandatory if JF_ACCESS_TOKEN is not provided]
           # JFrog user and password with 'read' permissions for Xray
           # JF_USER: $JF_USER
           # [Mandatory]
           # Azure Repos personal access token with Code -> Read & Write permissions
           JF_GIT_TOKEN: $(JF_GIT_TOKEN)
           # [Optional]
           # By default, the Frogbot workflows download the Frogbot executable as well as other tools 
           # needed from
           # If the machine that runs Frogbot has no access to the internet, follow these steps to allow the
           # executable to be downloaded from an Artifactory instance, which the machine has access to: 
           # 1. Login to the Artifactory UI, with a user who has admin credentials.
           # 2. Create a Remote Repository with the following properties set.
           #    Under the 'Basic' tab:
           #       Package Type: Generic
           #       URL:
           #    Under the 'Advanced' tab:
           #       Uncheck the 'Store Artifacts Locally' option
           # 3. Set the value of the 'JF_RELEASES_REPO' variable with the Repository Key you created.
           # JF_RELEASES_REPO: ""
           # [Optional]
           # Configure the SMTP server to enable Frogbot to send emails with detected secrets in pull request scans.
           # SMTP server URL including should the relevant port: (Example:
           # JF_SMTP_SERVER: ""
           # [Mandatory if JF_SMTP_SERVER is set]
           # The username required for authenticating with the SMTP server.
           # JF_SMTP_USER: ""
           # [Mandatory if JF_SMTP_SERVER is set]
           # The password associated with the username required for authentication with the SMTP server.
           # JF_SMTP_PASSWORD: ""

           # [Optional]
           # Configure the SMTP server to enable Frogbot to send emails with detected secrets in pull request scans.
           # SMTP server URL including should the relevant port: (Example:
           # JF_SMTP_SERVER: ""

           # [Mandatory if JF_SMTP_SERVER is set]
           # The username required for authenticating with the SMTP server.
           # JF_SMTP_USER: ""

           # [Mandatory if JF_SMTP_SERVER is set]
           # The password associated with the username required for authentication with the SMTP server.
           # JF_SMTP_PASSWORD: ""
           ##   If your project uses a 'frogbot-config.yml' file, you should define ##
           ##   the following variables inside the file, instead of here.           ##

           # [Optional, default: "."]
           # Relative path to the root of the project in the Git repository
           # JF_WORKING_DIR: path/to/project/dir

           # [Default: "*.git*;*node_modules*;*target*;*venv*;*test*"]
           # List of exclusion patterns (utilizing wildcards) for excluding paths in the source code of the Git repository during SCA scans.
           # JF_PATH_EXCLUSIONS: "*.git*;*node_modules*;*target*;*venv*;*test*"
           # [Optional]
           # Xray Watches. Learn more about them here:
           # JF_WATCHES: <watch-1>,<watch-2>...<watch-n>
           # [Optional]
           # JFrog project. Learn more about it here:
           # JF_PROJECT: <project-key>
           # [Optional, default: "FALSE"]
           # Displays all existing vulnerabilities, including the ones that were added by the pull request.
           # [Optional, default: "TRUE"]
           # Fails the Frogbot task if any security issue is found.
           # JF_FAIL: "FALSE"
           # [Optional]
           # Frogbot will download the project dependencies if they're not cached locally. To download the
           # dependencies from a virtual repository in Artifactory, set the name of the repository. There's no
           # need to set this value, if it is set in the frogbot-config.yml file.
           # JF_DEPS_REPO: ""
           # [Optional, Default: "FALSE"]
           # Handle vulnerabilities with fix versions only
           # JF_FIXABLE_ONLY: "TRUE"
           # [Optional]
           # Set the minimum severity for vulnerabilities that should be fixed and commented on in pull requests
           # The following values are accepted: Low, Medium, High or Critical
           # JF_MIN_SEVERITY: ""
           # [Optional]
           # List of comma-separated(,) email addresses to receive email notifications about secrets
           # detected during pull request scanning. The notification is also sent to the email set
           # in the committer git profile regardless of whether this variable is set or not.
           # JF_EMAIL_RECEIVERS: ""

           # [Optional]
           # Set the list of allowed licenses
           # The full list of licenses can be found in:
           # JF_ALLOWED_LICENSES: "MIT, Apache-2.0"

           # [Optional]
           # Avoid adding extra info to pull request comments. that isn't related to the scan findings.

           # [Optional]
           # Add a title to pull request comments generated by Frogbot.
           # JF_PR_COMMENT_TITLE: ""
            script: |
               getFrogbotScriptPath=$(if [ -z "$JF_RELEASES_REPO" ]; then echo ""; else echo "${JF_URL}/artifactory/${JF_RELEASES_REPO}"; fi)
               curl -fLg "$getFrogbotScriptPath/artifactory/frogbot/v2/[RELEASE]/" | sh
               ./frogbot spr

NOTE: To set up a pull request trigger in Azure Repos, you need to add a branch policy via 'Branch Policies'.

  • Go to the "Branches" section:

  • For each of the branches against which you want Frogbot to scan pull requests, click on the three dots and select "Branch policies":

  • Add new build policy:

  • Fill the following build policy parameters and Save:

  1. For the pipeline you created, save the JFrog connection details as variables with the following names - JF_URL, JF_USER, and JF_PASSWORD.

    NOTE: You can also use JF_XRAY_URL and JF_ARTIFACTORY_URL instead of JF_URL, and JF_ACCESS_TOKEN instead of JF_USER and JF_PASSWORD.

    To set the Variables in the pipeline edit page, click on the Variables button and set the Variables.

Last updated